Q.P. CODE: 303010 Reg. No: …
Third Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations
(2010 Scheme)
Mental Health Nursing
April (November) 2020
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
• Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly • Do not leave any blank pages between answers
• Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
• Answer all parts of a single question together • Leave sufficient space between answers
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays (2x15=30)
1. Explain the etiological factors related to schizophrenia. List the names of any six antipsychotics.
Write the nurse’s responsibilities while taking care of a patient who is on antipsychotics. (6+3+6)
2. Define crisis. Explain the types of crisis with relevant examples. Discuss the techniques of crisis intervention (2+6+7)
Short Notes (5x5=25)
3. Assessment of perception
4. Orientation phase of therapeutic nurse-patient relationship
5. Clinical features of severe depression
6. Milieu therapy
7. Nursing management of a patient with suicidal thoughts.
Give reasons for the following (5x2=10)
8. Injection succinylcholine is given before ECT
9. Finger food is encouraged for patients with mania
10.Warm milk at bedtime induces sleep
11.Patient on antipsychotic is advised to rise slowly from the supine position
12.Serum lithium need to be monitored for patients receiving lithium.
Differentiate between (5x2=10)
13.Dysthymia and cyclothymia
14.Circumstantiality and tangentiality
15.Stress and crisis
16.Oral and anal stage of psycho-sexual development
17.Haloperidol and clozapine
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